What to Look For in A Product Manager

You’ve figured out when to hire a product manager for your company. But how do you know what to look for in a product manager?

As a purpose based executive search firm, Y Scouts looks for candidates who share a business’ goals. If a product manager is going to be leading a company, why they work should align with the company’s purpose.

But a common purpose isn’t the only qualification needed to become a project leader. To help you determine what to look for in a product manager, here are seven other qualifications a quality product manager should possess.

  1. Problem solving skills.

Even if your company is experiencing positive growth, there is usually a problem that needs to be solved. When looking for a product manager, testing a person’s problem solving skills with insightful interview questions is a good way to see how they handle issues that may arise in the company.

tips for product manager recruiters

  1. Project execution ability.

The product manager you hire must be able to move the company forward and execute all your organization’s projects. The ability to effectively lead the team, follow a timeline, and bring the project to life, is essential to being a successful product manager.

  1. Good teamwork.

A top-notch product manager should be able to work with and guide a team. A team should be able to feel like their product manager is knowledgeable and thorough. A product manager should be able to use strong communication skills, and soft skills in the workplace.

  1. Great communication skills.

It is absolutely necessary that whoever you hire as product manager has great communication skills. Great communication skills will help lead and propel the team forward. Additionally, it will help push your company’s product into the marketplace. Strong communication skills will help your product manager properly share the strengths of your product.

  1. Knowledge of product management.

It is important that the person you hire has prior knowledge of product management. This should not be their first time working in product management. They should be knowledgeable, and able to deal with whatever possible problems arise. Get an expert in your field, not an amateur.

  1. Cultural fit.

If the product manager doesn’t fit in with the office environment, it will be difficult for them to lead the team. Since shared values typically lead to more successful employees, it helps to look for product manager candidates who fits in with your company’s culture.

You might be interested in these other posts about hiring a product manager:

When to Hire a product manager

How to Hire a product manager

How does your business decide what to look for in a product manager? Let us know in the comments.

Y Scouts is a purpose-based, performance-proven leadership search and development firm focused on transforming how people and organizations connect to work that matters. When you’re ready to hire a new leader, Contact Y Scouts. If you are looking for your next leadership role within a purpose-driven, performance-focused organization, please join the Y Scouts Leadership Community.

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