conscious capitalism

Can companies make money and improve the communities around them at the same time? According to the theory of conscious capitalism, it’s not only possible, it’s the right thing to do. In today’s business environment, conscious capitalism underscores the idea that companies can be profitable while making a deliberate effort to give back more than…

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Today’s companies are paying close attention to the things that really matter. That’s why more executives than ever are asking the question: What is a B corp? Sure, every company wants to make a profit, even the nonprofit companies. But many leaders realize that true sustainability has to do with the actions they take now…

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inclusive leadership traits impact

There are plenty of checkbox diversity and inclusion initiatives. But inclusion isn’t simply about hiring the right number of people from the right categories. Inclusivity is the creation of a culture where diverse people feel welcome. To have a really diverse workplace requires inclusive leadership.  When people feel included, they show up wholeheartedly. They exceed…

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Assessing Your Fulfillment at Work

To provide some context, Imperative was founded by Aaron Hurst, author of The Purpose Economy, and former Googler Arthur Woods to be the leadership, manager and career development platform for the rise of a new era of work. In mid-October, half of the Y Scouts team attended Purpose 2030, a summit presented by Imperative, which…

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Skills for the future workforce

We’re big believers in relentless learning, it’s even one of our company core values. Learning relentlessly is expanding your skillset and preparing for future changes. And as the future workforce changes, it’s no surprise that new skills will be needed to keep up. Do you know which skills you should be acquiring? The rising workforce,…

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drivers of change for the future workforce

With the ever-changing landscape of technology and business, knowing what’s shaping those changes is crucial to staying ahead. The following six drivers of change from the Institute for the Future present a compelling look at the future of the workforce and the needed changes for our education system to teach skills that actually matter. Global…

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luke larson

Luke Larson is the President of Axon, formerly TASER International. There’s no doubt the news media has been sharing what seems like a massive increase in the deteriorating relationship between law enforcement professionals and the communities they are paid to protect and serve. An element of the story that gets very little attention, if any,…

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craig demarco

Today we’re interviewing Craig DeMarco, one of the founding partners of Upward Projects, which is better known for its family of restaurants including Postino Wine Cafe, Joyride Taco House, Windsor, Churn, and Federal Pizza. In this spirited discussion, Craig shares stories related to: Lessons learned watching his entrepreneurial father The power of venturing off the…

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Your company culture, sometimes known as organizational culture, is what defines your business. Researchers and academia define organizational culture as the values, beliefs, symbols and behavior of people who work in an organization. An easy way to think about your organizational culture is to imagine it as your organization’s personality. Think about the company culture…

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