Finding and hiring the right leader for your company is one of the most important decisions any organization can make. The leader sets the vision, culture, and trajectory of the company. A mis-hire in the leadership role can lead to confusion, low morale, and lack of progress. Luckily, the book “Traction” by Gino Wickman provides…

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Resumes… They can be a playground of embellishments and wishful thinking. It’s no secret that candidates often put their creative writing skills to the test when crafting their resumes. But here’s the unfortunate irony…most companies heavily rely on these very resumes to find their next superstar leader. For many companies hiring for key roles, they…

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You know what’s scarier than a horror movie? Conducting job interviews without a clue on how to score candidates. Sadly, that’s the reality for many companies. Hiring the wrong person can turn into a nightmare for a company, with lost time, money, and productivity. And relying on “gut feeling” instead of a systematized process? That’s…

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Most companies stink at writing job descriptions. They copy and paste a list of duties and requirements from other job postings and end up with a generic, uninspiring document. But if you want to attract top talent, especially for key executive hires, you must stand out… Y Scouts has created the PERFECT job description framework…

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You already know that bringing on board A+ executive hires can be a game-changer for your business… But what you might not realize is just how much damage a WRONG executive hire can cause. It’s not just a matter of reduced productivity or team morale issues. The repercussions of a bad executive hire can be…

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common mistakes when hiring c-suite

The recruiting market may be competitive in general, but the executive recruiting space is extremely competitive. Here’s what the experts at CFO had to say about the state of the C-suite hiring markets in a recent article: Regardless of age, a majority (61%) of executives said they missed pre-pandemic work styles, with new environments making…

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interview rounds

When you’re looking for your next executive hire, the interview process and its countless rounds of interviews can seem overwhelming. How can you ensure that you’re getting everything you need from an interview? It’s easy for the process to become redundant and tiring, both for the candidates and for those conducting the interview. You can…

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effective leadership

Every company in the world is looking for effective leadership skills in their executive hires. But what does that mean, really? It’s hard enough to define the perfect set of leadership capabilities, let alone find them all in one person. And now, with a large part of the hiring process conducted online, finding the right…

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set a competitive coo salary

The name of the game is engaging and retaining top talent. So, in an increasingly competitive market, how do you set a solid COO salary? In addition to being the CEO’s right arm, the chief operating officer is the go-to person when it comes to leading the day-to-day workings of any business. Given this, a…

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virtual hiring best practices

With more people working from home, it can be a challenge to maintain the right team dynamics and the cultural glue that holds it all together must be industrial strength. So how do you ensure that you continue to hire the right people? In particular, how do you find the right fit with virtual leadership? …

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