Talent Recruitment Leadership Blog

Podcast Host and Author, Mark C. Crowley

By Max Hansen | September 21, 2023

Mark C. Crowley is the author of “Lead From The Heart: Transformational Leadership For The 21st Century,” and his mission is to fundamentally change how we lead people in workplaces around the globe.  Mark is a regular columnist for Fast Company Magazine and has been published in USA Today, Reuters, Forbes, the Stanford Social Innovation…

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6 Ways the Traction Model Can Improve Your Leadership Hiring

By Max Hansen | September 11, 2023

Finding and hiring the right leader for your company is one of the most important decisions any organization can make. The leader sets the vision, culture, and trajectory of the company. A mis-hire in the leadership role can lead to confusion, low morale, and lack of progress. Luckily, the book “Traction” by Gino Wickman provides…

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7 Ways To Identify Hiring THE RIGHT Leaders

By Max Hansen | September 5, 2023

Hiring exceptional leaders is one of the most crucial investments an organization can make. At Y Scouts, we have perfected a proven methodology for hiring leaders that focuses on the alignment of values over skills and responsibilities. However, the traditional resume-driven hiring process often falls short in surfacing the leaders who will truly thrive and…

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Beyond Profits: 3 Case Studies of Purpose-Driven Companies

By Max Hansen | August 28, 2023

These days, more and more companies realize that “doing good” is good business. Consumers want to support brands that share their values. Employees want meaning and purpose. Let’s check three examples of purpose-driven companies making a difference. What Makes A Company “Purpose-Driven”? Purpose-driven companies aren’t new, but the movement is growing as businesses focus on…

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Your Company DNA: The Key To Successful Hiring

By Max Hansen | August 21, 2023

Hiring exceptional leaders starts with truly understanding your company’s DNA – your values, purpose, and culture. Get clear on these foundational elements, and you’ll be set up to find leaders who sync with the soul of your organization. But how do you accomplish this? That’s what we are going to cover in this article. Let’s…

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How to Modernize Your Leadership Hiring Practices

By Max Hansen | August 14, 2023

Many companies today still rely on outdated approaches to hiring leadership talent. They post job openings, sift through resumes, and try to find someone to fill an immediate need. But this reactive approach is no longer sufficient for attracting and securing the best leaders. Here are 10 key reasons your leadership hiring practices need to…

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Building A Winning Company Culture: Key Elements and Best Practices

By Max Hansen | August 7, 2023

Having a strong and winning company culture is a crucial factor that sets successful organizations apart from the rest. It goes beyond mere policies and procedures, and it’s a dynamic framework that drives companies toward remarkable achievements. At Y Scouts, we believe that building a winning company culture doesn’t just happen by chance. In fact,…

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Decoding the Executive Mindset: The 3 Characteristics of ALL Successful Leaders

By Max Hansen | July 31, 2023

Having a true executive mindset is a key differentiator for those who ascend to the pinnacle of leadership. It goes beyond just occupying a position…it is an entire cognitive framework that propels individuals toward remarkable achievements. When Y Scouts started in 2012, our co-founders sat down with a neuroscientist to really understand the key characteristics…

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Top 10 Books for Aspiring Leaders

By Max Hansen | July 24, 2023

One of the core values at Y Scouts is “Learning Relentlessly”. In the spirit of that value, we want to help the aspiring leaders out there level up their skills by publishing an article on some of the best books you can read if you want to improve as a leader. There are thousands of…

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How To Have Hard Conversations as a Leader

By Max Hansen | July 17, 2023

Having hard conversations is one of the most difficult parts of being a leader. But it’s also one of the most important parts of your role. We’ve never met someone who enjoys addressing a problem employee, putting someone on a PIP, or even needing to let someone go. None of that is fun. But there…

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