Talent Recruitment Leadership Blog

Our Solid Approach To Employee Reference Checks

By Yscouts | August 29, 2016

Employee reference checks are one of the best ways to garner outside perspective on a potential new hire. Asking references the right questions is the first step. At Y Scouts, we take a three-pronged approach to employee reference checks that you’ll want to mull over before your next hiring spree. Employee Reference Checks 101 The…

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Adam Goodman Podcast Interview: Finding Purpose In The Workplace

By Yscouts | August 8, 2016

Adam Goodman is the President & CEO of Goodmans Interior Structures. If the name of Adam’s company means very little to you, I’ll simplify: Adam and his team sell office furniture. So, why am I interviewing a leader of an office furniture company for a podcast all about Purpose? Adam’s story is the perfect example…

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Courtney Klein Podcast Interview: Believing In Your Community

By Yscouts | July 29, 2016

If we had to sum up Courtney Klein in a word, it would be “dreamer.” From her early childhood dream of wanting to be Katie Couric, through the twists and turns of life, Courtney is on a mission to leave this world a little better than how she found it.  Courtney is the co-founder and CEO of…

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Matt Altman Podcast Interview: Principal & Co-Founder, Sportiqe Apparel

By Yscouts | July 20, 2016

Matt Altman is quite a unique individual. In fact, this concept of uniqueness is something we cover quite extensively in this podcast, as Matt has chosen to integrate this concept into every part of his life. After 12 years working for a variety of professional sports teams focused in merchandising, he and his fellow co-founder…

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Matt Likens Podcast Interview: A Humble Start & Trek To The Top

By Yscouts | July 14, 2016

Matt Likens grew up in a lower middle class family and became quite familiar with the concept of scarcity. Therefore, he learned quickly he was going to have to work hard for anything he wanted. After graduating from college, he went to work for Johnson & Johnson representing the industrial tape division. Realizing his drive to…

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Kathy Sacks Podcast Interview: Achieving Your Potential

By Yscouts | June 15, 2016

In this episode, Kathy Sacks covers a variety of topics including the power of unlocking human potential, how playing it safe on the inside is a recipe for mediocrity, and why you should embrace the things you fear most. Kathy was one of the early employees and investors at Infusionsoft, which is widely considered one…

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Eric Severson Podcast Interview: What motivates people?

By Yscouts | June 10, 2016

Eric Severson spent the last decade and a half as a member of the People team at apparel giant, GAP, Inc. During his time at GAP, Eric was part of some truly ground-breaking HR and People initiatives including implementing a Results Only Workplace Environment (ROWE), becoming the first major apparel retailer to raise the minimum…

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John Shufeldt Podcast Interview: Relentless Learning

By Yscouts | May 20, 2016

John Shufeldt is one of the most accomplished individuals I’ve ever met. He’s a practicing emergency room doctor, a practicing attorney, the Phoenix PD SWAT team medical director, the author of multiple books on the Ingredients of Outliers, an adjunct professor at ASU’s law school, the founder and CEO of MeMD, a pilot, a guitar…

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Andy Sernovitz Podcast Interview, CEO of GasPedal

By Yscouts | May 19, 2016

Andy Sernovitz is absolutely a “what you see and hear is what you get” type of person – no hidden agendas and no bullshit. He’s passionate about the concept of ‘word of mouth’ marketing – in fact, he wrote the book on it. Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking is a…

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Ray DelMuro Podcast Interview: Complementary Pairs

By Yscouts | May 19, 2016

Ray DelMuro is the founder and CEO of Refresh Glass, a company on a mission to rescue 10M wine bottles and turn them into everyday glassware. Ray’s journey from aerospace engineer, to world traveler, to the founding of Refresh Glass is a story almost everyone can relate to. In this interview we talk about the…

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