Operio Group CEO, Alastair Sanderson

Alastair Sandersn - Podcast Image

Welcome to Episode 95 of the Built on Purpose Podcast, brought to you by Y Scouts.  


On this episode, Max Hansen interviews Alastair Sanderson.


Alister Sanderson is the CEO of Operio Group, a transformative enterprise specializing in comprehensive solutions for the food, beverage, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries. Since its inception in 2022, merging the expertise of LFA Machines and Vivion Inc, Operio Group has rapidly evolved from a small-scale operation with under 30 employees and $10 million in revenue, to a robust organization with over 300 employees and surpassing $100 million in revenue.


Under Alastair’s leadership, the group has developed an approach that leverages the extensive ingredient knowledge of Vivion and the sophisticated machinery expertise of LFA, aiming to deliver high-quality solid dose products through strategic synergies between its companies.


On this episode, Alastair dives deep on:


🔥 The importance of family as a unifying entity:

Alastair discusses the pivotal role his family, especially his brother and wife, have played in his entrepreneurial journey, emphasizing mutual respect and support as foundational to their success.


🔥 His journey from business consultant to family coach:

Alastair recounts his shift from selling art in London markets to becoming a leader in industrial machinery, highlighting the transitions and adaptations at each stage of his entrepreneurial evolution.


🔥 Balancing work life and family life in a remote world:

He talks about the challenges and strategies of managing a rapidly scaling business while maintaining a healthy family life, acknowledging the support from his wife and the importance of communication.


🔥 Keeping relationships strong across distances:

Alastair emphasizes the significance of strong professional and personal relationships, maintained through regular communication and shared respect, even when physically distant.


🔥 Defining roles and responsibilities within a family:

Insights into how Alastair and his brother have clearly defined their roles within their business, allowing each to leverage their strengths without overstepping boundaries.


🔥 Small changes that can lead to big impacts:

The podcast touches on how small decisions, like adjusting pricing strategies during a crisis, can have significant impacts on the business’s success.


🔥 And much more…

From discussing the cultural impacts of his upbringing to the strategic decisions during pivotal moments like factory crises, the podcast covers a wide range of topics that reveal Alastair’s depth as a business leader and family man.



Alastair Sanderson – LinkedIn

Operio Group – LinkedIn



Operio Group



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