Recruitment Process Outsourcing RPO delivers great talent to your organization while giving back to you your most scarce resource: Time. Let Y Scouts be your recruiting team for as long as you need it – it’s all we do.


No matter how many business executives we ask, they all say the same thing – “Finding the best talent to join our team is the most important thing we can do.” Yet somehow, very few companies are ‘best in class’ when it comes to attracting and selecting the best talent to fit their organizations. Why is that? We believe the biggest contributing factor is a lack of time. There is always a project or task that requires immediate attention, something that has a specific deadline. Attracting and selecting talent is an ongoing effort; it requires constant attention, constant monitoring, constant communication – it requires consistent dedication. That’s why recruitment process outsourcing RPO is a great option.

The business of Y Scouts is recruiting – that’s all we do. The art and science of connecting people and companies is our business, and at the risk of sounding too confident, we are damn good at it.

So, what is recruitment process outsourcing RPO? The Y Scouts RPO model is designed to give you your time back. Let us be your professional talent attraction function so you can do what you do best – focus on growing your business. Here are a few key benefits of our RPO model:

  • Connect with people who want more than a paycheck – they want to work for a company that is making a difference
  • Economies of scale – instead of hiring one internal recruiter or a team of internal recruiters, hire the Y Scouts team of recruiters who have deep expertise in a variety of industries and functional areas and will work tirelessly to find you the right talent for your open positions
  • Cost savings – for a fraction of the cost of hiring your own recruiting team, hire the Y Scouts team to be your recruiting arsenal
  • One Point Person – you’re not going to be chasing down 15 Y Scouts in order to get everyone up to speed on your company. Instead, you’ll have one point person that has access to the arsenal of Y Scout recruiters who specialize in multiple industries.
  • Professional representation – in the war for talent, having the best people represent you can make all the difference

If you’re looking for a RPO solution, please call us at (480) 498-7222 or fill out the form below.