Empowering C-Suite Leaders through the Power of Executive Coaching

Empowering C-Suite Leaders through the Power of Executive Coaching

In this article, we're going to be exploring the world of executive coaching and its impact on C-Suite leaders. We've got a fantastic article lined up for you, diving deep into the art of coaching and how these individuals help executives reach new heights in their careers.

We've had the incredible opportunity to interview not one or two, but EIGHT outstanding executive coaches, each with their distinct approach to empowering leaders like never before. They come from diverse backgrounds, some exclusively focused on coaching, while others balance it with other ventures. This diversity of perspectives promises a wealth of wisdom that will resonate with you.

Get ready to unlock the secrets behind their success and learn how they guide executives to level-up and unleash their full potential. From strategic brilliance to fostering authentic leadership, we'll explore the incredible power of executive coaching in the corporate world.

Without further delay, let's dive in and meet the exceptional coaches who are shaping the future of leadership!

Let's jump in!

Kim Scott

About Kim

Kim Scott is a prominent author and co-founder of Radical Candor, a company focused on fostering inclusive and candid workplace cultures. She is renowned for her books "Just Work" and "Radical Candor". With extensive experience in coaching CEOs, including those at Dropbox, Qualtrics, and Twitter, Kim's expertise in leadership development is highly sought after in the tech industry.

Before her work in the tech world, Kim held significant roles at Apple and Google, where she led teams for AdSense, YouTube, and DoubleClick. Her diverse background includes managing a pediatric clinic in Kosovo and starting a diamond-cutting factory in Moscow. Currently residing in Silicon Valley with her family, Kim continues to make a lasting impact on organizations through her writings and insights on building inclusive and empathetic workplace cultures.

What was that ‘spark’ that drew you to executive coaching?

"I stumbled into the world of executive coaching accidentally. It was actually never part of my plan. After working at Google for about six years, I came to the realization that what truly gave my work meaning was not just optimizing metrics like cost per click, but rather building teams and creating conditions for them to enjoy their work and collaborate effectively. I wanted to make this aspect a full-time focus in my career.

Moving to Apple, there wasn't a specific role at Google that allowed me to fully pursue this passion. However, at Apple, Steve Jobs decided to rebuild management training from scratch. At that time, one of my favorite business school professors, who had also joined Apple, invited me to help design a class called 'Managing at Apple.'

Subsequently, a friend from Google who had become the CEO of Twitter, Dick Costolo, approached me to design a similar program for managing at Twitter. Interestingly, I found that managing people was fundamentally similar, regardless of the company they worked for. Dick then invited me to be his CEO coach, which was an unexpected yet significant honor for me.

After Dick mentioned in an article that I was his coach, I suddenly received numerous requests from others to coach them as well. I realized that coaching, being a human-to-human interaction, couldn't scale easily. With more requests than I could handle, I decided that writing a book would be the scalable way to share my insights and experiences. This led me to write 'Radical Candor,' which became the result of my journey into executive coaching."

Describe your ideal client/industry/types of people you work best with?

"I find it challenging to categorize people based on specific industries, and I make a conscious effort not to 'type' individuals. However, I have noticed that I work most effectively with individuals who genuinely prioritize building personal connections with their direct reports. These are the people who truly embrace the 'care personally' aspect of radical candor.”

What advice do you have for leaders when they are looking for an executive coach?

"I recently had a conversation with someone about the distinction between hiring a therapist and an executive coach. It's crucial to be aware of when you need a coach and when a therapist might be more suitable, and in some cases, you might benefit from both.

I've found that the most effective coaching relationships often involve someone who has experience in the same role as you. For instance, if you're a CEO, having an executive coach who has previously been a CEO, even if it's in a different industry or company stage, can provide valuable insights. It's essential to have someone who truly understands the challenges and pressures that come with the position. Hiring an executive coach who has never managed people before may not be as beneficial for a manager seeking guidance. So, prior experience in the same role is valuable.

Moreover, finding an executive coach with whom you are philosophically aligned is equally important. I have a specific management philosophy, which I've detailed in my book, and it's crucial that my clients resonate with and embrace this philosophy. If someone disagrees with my approach, I believe it's best for them to find a coach whose principles align more closely with their own."

What metrics or indicators do you use to measure the effectiveness of your coaching?

"To be completely honest, I haven't discovered a single metric that I find truly valuable in measuring the effectiveness of coaching. Instead, what I observe is whether the person undergoing coaching is making positive changes that lead to increased productivity for themselves and their teams. When I see tangible improvements in their performance and team dynamics, it indicates that the coaching process is going well.

On the other hand, if the people they work with continue to express the same complaints, and there are no noticeable positive changes, I usually suggest that they consider finding a new coach. It's essential to see meaningful progress and impact resulting from the coaching relationship, and when that doesn't occur, it may be worth exploring alternative coaching approaches to achieve the desired outcomes."

In your opinion, what are some of the most common issues or roadblocks that leadership teams face? How do you typically assist them in overcoming these challenges?

"A common challenge that arises is when individuals mistakenly believe they have a communication problem, while in reality, the root issue lies in their arrogance.

Many people often assume that if they could improve their communication skills slightly, they would achieve better results and avoid upsetting others. However, the fundamental problem lies in their thinking patterns and attitudes, not merely their communication style. It's essential for them to recognize the need for a deeper transformation in their mindset and behavior rather than solely focusing on improving their communication."

What techniques do you use to assist leadership teams in developing a clear vision and setting strategic goals?

"When I take on a coaching role, I approach it in a flexible manner, much like I would in a one-on-one session when I was a manager. The coaching agenda is usually driven by the individual, and we typically address issues happening within their team that they might not feel comfortable discussing with others. These discussions often revolve around people-related matters.

In some cases, I follow a more structured approach. We begin with a 360-degree feedback process, where I gather input from their team about what actions or behaviors could be changed to enhance collaboration. Together, we devise specific action plans for them to implement those changes. After about 6 months, we revisit their team to evaluate progress.

I emphasize the importance of regularly seeking feedback from team members during their one-on-one meetings and ensuring they take action based on the received feedback. Asking for input without acting on it can create cynicism and erode trust.

Helping them develop a growth analysis of their team members is another key aspect of coaching. We identify individuals who are excelling and growing, and then explore tailored approaches for managing and nurturing their career aspirations.

Conducting career conversations with each team member regularly is essential to ensure they are progressing in their desired career paths.

Lastly, I assist them in refining their staff meetings using a particular structure from Radical Candor, wherein decisions are pushed to the organization rather than being solely driven by the CEO and their staff."

Where can you learn more about Kim?

Kevin Eikenberry

About Kevin

Kevin Eikenberry is a world-renowned leadership and remote work thought leader, a multiple-time bestselling author, speaker, consultant, trainer, coach, leader, learner, husband and father (not necessarily in that order).

Kevin is the Chief Potential Officer of The Kevin Eikenberry Group, a leadership and learning consulting company that has been helping organizations, teams and individuals reach their potential since 1993, and the co-founder of The Remote Leadership Institute, formed in 2014.  Kevin’s specialties include leadership, remote/hybrid work (and leadership), teams and teamwork, organizational culture, facilitating change, organizational learning and more.

How would you describe your leadership style?

"It's funny because I'm currently working on a book that will eventually argue that leadership style is overrated.

That being said, I understand your question, and I like to believe that my leadership style is inclusive, collaborative, encouraging, and optimistic – attributes that I value greatly.

As for my title, I proudly hold the position of Chief Potential Officer. I intentionally chose this title as a unique alternative to the common designation of Chief Learning Officers that existed at the time.

The reason behind this choice was to emphasize our belief in the untapped potential of our team members. As a leader, my primary focus is on nurturing and supporting our team to help them achieve their highest potential."

What was that ‘spark’ that drew you to executive coaching?

"I discovered a long time ago that I'm most effective when assisting individuals with matters that have relevance both personally and professionally.

Coaching and everything else we do hold a special appeal for me when we teach, guide, or encourage people based on universally true concepts. Witnessing the growth of individuals as they evolve into better leaders, which in turn makes them better human beings, is what truly fulfills my purpose.

That's what I was put on this earth to do."

Describe your ideal client/industry/types of people you work best with?

"Well, much like you, we've had clients in a wide range of industries. Come September, we will have been in business for 30 years. I've had the privilege of working with leaders from 53 countries, across various levels, not just executives.

However, what truly drives and excites me are the people I can truly make a difference for. I'm not interested in coaching someone who is being forced into it or simply looking to be 'fixed.' We all have room for growth and improvement, and that's where I find my passion lies – helping individuals who genuinely want to get better and are eager to learn principles that apply broadly, not just seeking quick fixes for specific challenges."

What advice do you have for leaders when they are looking for an executive coach?

"At times, people may stress the importance of finding a 'match,' but what exactly does that mean? If you feel that your coaching needs are very industry-specific, it might be tempting to seek someone with similar expertise. However, doing so might limit our perspectives.

When I refer to a match, I mean connecting with someone during that initial conversation. It's not about finding someone who is exactly like me, but rather someone from whom I can learn and whose approach will be valuable for my growth, even if it's not always comfortable.

The key aspects to look for in a coach are trust and the willingness to provide some flexibility. These are the qualities I recommend focusing on.

Be cautious about seeking a coach solely based on their experience in your specific industry or role. For example, you don't need to say 'Well I need to work a CFO because I'm a CFO.' Leadership, fundamentally, is more similar than different across industries, companies, and cultures. By prioritizing specific backgrounds, we might unintentionally limit the diverse perspectives that could truly benefit us."

What metrics or indicators do you use to measure the effectiveness of your coaching?

"It's essential to recognize that coaching is highly individualized for each client. When I start coaching someone, we begin by identifying their goals and reasons for engaging with a coach. We focus on the desired outcomes they want to achieve, not just what they expect from me, Kevin. By establishing clear objectives, we can measure progress effectively. For instance, if they want to improve in a specific area, we work towards that goal and set indicators for success.

In this process, we avoid using arbitrary numbers or generic measurements. Instead, we tailor the approach based on the client's unique needs and aspirations. It's about creating a meaningful and personalized coaching experience that aligns with their specific objectives."

In your opinion, what are some of the most common issues or roadblocks that leadership teams face? How do you typically assist them in overcoming these challenges?

"Well, I've heard about everything, but you know organizations can always get better at communication. This applies to both executive teams and teams in every direction – upward and, if we're in the C-suite, certainly downward, but also upward to us. So, one underlying challenge that most leadership teams will face is communication in some way. It may not be the thing they mention directly.

For example, another very common challenge is the need to improve our ability to lead and champion change, ensuring that the changes we're trying to implement actually yield the desired results within the desired timeframe. And, of course, this often relates back to communication – at least in part. However, my main point is that these three Cs – communication, change, and culture – are crucial aspects to focus on for leadership development and organizational growth."

What techniques do you use to assist leadership teams in developing a clear vision and setting strategic goals?

"In my role, I focus on asking lots of questions and ensuring that they approach their answers from a team perspective. This is where I transition from being Kevin, the coach, to Kevin, the facilitator. Instead of giving them the answers, I believe in guiding them to discover the solutions themselves through my questions.

I find that some coaches are more inclined to provide advice, while others solely rely on asking questions without offering any guidance. Personally, I believe that the most effective approach lies somewhere in the middle of this continuum, leaning slightly more towards the question-driven side.

If you were to look at the continuum of "expert advice giver" to "process-only questioner," I position myself in the middle and slightly towards the questioner side. This approach allows me to stay curious and put myself in their shoes, helping them to gain insights and discover their own answers. It's all about facilitating their growth and development while keeping their best interests in mind."

Where can you learn more about Kevin?

Dr. Mark Goulston

About Dr. Goulston

Dr. Mark Goulston is a distinguished member of the Marshall Goldsmith 100 Coaches who specializes in coaching entrepreneurs, CEOs, Chairs, and Managing Directors to unlock their full potential. As an international keynote speaker, he extends his expertise to help diverse audiences achieve personal growth.

With a rich background as a former UCLA psychiatry professor for over 25 years and a trainer for the FBI and police hostage negotiation teams, Dr. Goulston's skills have been honed in real-life, high-stakes situations. He is a prolific author, having written or co-authored nine books, with his acclaimed work "Just Listen" translated into twenty-eight languages, establishing itself as the leading book on listening worldwide. Embracing the digital realm, he hosts the popular podcast "My Wakeup Call" and co-hosts "Out of Our Minds and In Your Space" on Twitter Spaces, a platform that brings together creative minds and thinkers.

What was that ‘spark’ that drew you to executive coaching?

"Well, part of my journey towards executive coaching is rooted in my previous work as a psychiatrist, with a significant focus on suicide prevention. Over 35 years, I managed to ensure that none of my patients died by suicide through personalized one-on-one care. Although researchers and depression specialists referred their kids to me, some were skeptical of my unconventional approach since it wasn't considered evidence-based. Nevertheless, they trusted my track record and continued to send their children my way. Now at my age, my goal is to share my unconventional expertise before I leave this world.

Executive coaching provides me with an opportunity to scale my knowledge by working with heads of companies. I have experience training hostage negotiators, and my expertise in connecting with people has enabled me to help individuals overcome suicidal tendencies and even assisted the FBI in persuading someone to surrender their weapon. These skills can be transferred to the corporate world, helping leaders engage with their people effectively, manage investors, and address post-pandemic challenges like retaining employees who often feel a lack of loyalty from their companies.

When I coach people, I emphasize three crucial elements that lead to employee engagement. Firstly, employees need to feel genuinely heard by their leaders. Transparent communication that addresses their concerns authentically is essential. Secondly, employees look for leaders who are committed to developing their potential, providing opportunities for growth and personal development. Lastly, the research shows that having friends at work significantly impacts employee engagement, leading to better job satisfaction.

My coaching approach aligns with 'Michelangelo leadership,' inspired by Michelangelo's quote, 'I saw the angel in the marble, and I carved till I set it free.' I exclusively work with individuals who are open to growth and change, not with those who are uncooperative or unwilling to learn. I believe that working with individuals who genuinely want to improve themselves and their leadership qualities can lead to meaningful progress and positive change."

What advice do you have for leaders when they are looking for an executive coach?

"My advice is to proactively reach out to people, especially if you are part of an executive team in a big company. Connect with the chairman of the board and the head of HR, and express your desire to do an ‘even better’ job as a leader. This phrasing is crucial because it conveys a positive outlook rather than focusing on the negative aspects of wanting to do a 'better' job. By stating 'even better,' you communicate your aspiration to enhance your leadership skills further.

Share your intention with those you interact with both inside and outside the company. Let them know that you aim for them to trust you, have confidence in you, feel safe, respected, admired, and inspired by you. Additionally, you want them to genuinely like you. Ask for their feedback on how you can improve, and encourage them to be honest by giving specific instances where you might have fallen short in engendering respect, safety, or likability.

Emphasize that your intention isn't to become a people-pleaser, but rather to be like a John F. Kennedy who could engage in appropriate self-deprecating humor. This open approach might be intimidating at first, but it will significantly impact how others view you. The respect they feel for you will soar, knowing that you genuinely value their input and are actively seeking to become a better leader.

"By the way, no matter what they say in response, it's essential not to get defensive. Instead, approach their feedback in an inviting manner, even if it's difficult to hear. Ask them to provide an observable example of what they are referring to—a concrete instance where you might have fallen short in some way. Be open to understanding the situation from their perspective.

Once they provide an example, inquire further about how you can improve in that specific area. Ask them what it would look like if you were to enhance your actions or behavior. This approach shows that you are genuinely willing to learn and grow, and even though it might be uncomfortable, their feedback is valuable to you.

Stay focused on the tactical aspects of their response, seeking practical steps you can take to become a better leader. This openness to constructive criticism will likely lead to a significant increase in their respect for you. Embracing feedback with grace and a willingness to improve can help foster stronger working relationships and demonstrate your commitment to personal and professional growth."

In your opinion, what are some of the most common issues or roadblocks that leadership teams face? How do you typically assist them in overcoming these challenges?

"Well, people tend to gravitate towards their strengths, and often those strengths are extraordinary skills and abilities they have honed. However, they avoid anything that makes them feel incompetent or lacking in confidence. In an article I wrote for Newsweek titled 'Resistance to Change Doesn't Exist,' I explained that everyone operates within a psychological silo, where they feel competent, confident, and in control. When people feel pushed out of that zone, they resist change as a form of self-protection.

As a leader, the best approach is to recognize this tendency in people. Instead of seeing resistance, understand that they are resisting because you're pushing them away from their area of competence and comfort. To be an effective leader, encourage individuals to focus on their talents and strengths fully. Acknowledge their brilliance in those areas and help them eliminate anything that distracts from their true potential.

It's essential to remind them that they owe it to their talent to remove anything that might hinder their performance. If they let fear or distractions take over, they risk not fully utilizing their unique abilities. As a leader, show respect for their talents by creating an environment where they feel supported and confident, enabling them to shine and contribute fully with their exceptional skills."

What techniques do you use to assist leadership teams in developing a clear vision and setting strategic goals?

"Something I often tell leaders is that they have a unique advantage – the ability to be proactive due to their forward cognitive bias. Unlike the majority of people who possess a reverse cognitive bias, leaders can easily articulate their goals and look ahead. A forward cognitive bias enables them to plan and act proactively, setting a clear path for success.

When working with people who tend to have a reverse cognitive bias, it's essential to engage their imagination. Get them to visualize a successful future, a year from now, where everyone in the company is engaged and excited about their work. Ask them to list a few things that would contribute to this success. This exercise allows them to envision the possibilities and encourages proactive thinking.

For instance, instead of asking, 'What are your goals for the next year?' which might lead to stammering responses, frame the question as 'Imagine it's a year from now, and you've achieved the biggest promotion and raise possible. What did you do to get there? What steps did you take to make it happen?' This approach triggers a more engaged and proactive response, as they begin to visualize the path to success.

By using the power of imagination and forward cognitive bias, leaders can help their team members tap into their potential and discover actions they can take to achieve their goals effectively."

Where can you learn more about Dr. Goulston?

Teri Citterman

About Teri

Teri, a renowned executive performance coach and the CEO at Talonn, is known for her direct and impactful style, assisting both first-time and seasoned CEOs, senior leaders, and executive teams to harness their power and influence for driving organizational change. With a background in corporate communications and extensive experience in coaching and interviewing hundreds of CEOs, Teri offers a unique blend of expertise and insights.

She quickly translates unspoken cues into actionable steps that lead to measurable results, giving executives greater focus and confidence in scaling their leadership and demonstrating executive presence, decisiveness, and equal footing. Her impressive client list includes high-growth start-ups like DocuSign and established organizations such as Microsoft and Lockheed Martin.

Teri is also an award-winning writer, a Forbes National Coaches Council member, and a contributor to Forbes.com.

What was that ‘spark’ that drew you to executive coaching?

"I was in corporate communications for 20 years, and I was just writing books for CEOs and found that the process of ghostwriting is very similar to coaching.

So I was able to really get into their heads and understand how they think, understand why they think the way they do. and I had permission to ask anything I wanted, and so what I would see was (putting the ghostwriting piece aside) was that I was asking and was helping them to understand, the impact they have on the people. They were gaining more self-awareness, they were changing, how they think about their own leadership. So that's what led me to coaching."

Describe your ideal client/industry/types of people you work best with?

"I work with a range of clients across various industries. Initially, my coaching practice was primarily centered in Seattle, and I worked with a lot of tech companies. However, as my practice expanded, I now work with companies nationwide in all kinds of industries, though still with a significant focus on the tech industry.

My client base includes companies like Microsoft and Lockheed Martin, as well as late-stage startups. The key factor for me is finding the right fit between myself and the organization seeking coaching services.

In terms of the individuals I work with, I coach professionals from VP level up to CEOs, covering the entire executive suite.

One group of individuals I particularly enjoy working with are those undergoing transitions in their careers. For instance, those moving from Director to VP roles, VP to Executive positions, or even Executives stepping into the CEO role. I LOVE assisting people through the challenges that come with career advancement and change."

How would you describe your coaching style?

"As a coach, my style is direct and 'no place to hide.' There's no room for hiding or evading the tough questions that often go unasked but are on everyone's minds.

My primary role is to challenge the leader's thinking and push them beyond their comfort zone. I firmly believe that staying within their comfort zone is not in the best interest of the leader or myself as a coach.

By asking the difficult questions and delving into uncomfortable territory, I aim to help my clients grow and develop as leaders. My coaching approach is founded on the idea that true progress and transformation occur when we confront and address the hard issues head-on."

What advice do you have for leaders when they are looking for an executive coach?

"When it comes to coaching, it's all about finding the right fit, just as it is with any other professional relationship. If you're seeking a coach who will be a constant cheerleader, always providing "Ra Ra" motivation, that's not the role I play.

Instead, I see myself as someone who inspires and empowers. If you're looking for genuine inspiration and a coach who will help you achieve tangible results efficiently, then we might be a great match.

My coaching approach centers around getting things done. I focus on actionable steps and practical strategies to help you reach your goals. So, if you're ready to roll up your sleeves and make progress, working together might be a perfect fit."

What metrics or indicators do you use to measure the effectiveness of your coaching?

"As a coach, my impact is directly linked to my client's impact. The focus is on their metrics and the tangible changes they experience.

On the qualitative side, we examine what others are noticing, including their colleagues, managers, and board members. We take note of any positive changes they observe and how my clients' actions are influencing others.

For a more quantitative assessment, conducting a 360-degree feedback evaluation using a tool or through live interviews is a valuable approach. This method helps us gauge the objective feedback from various stakeholders, allowing us to identify areas of improvement and celebrate their successes.

Ultimately, my goal is to help my clients achieve measurable and meaningful progress, enhancing their effectiveness as leaders and driving positive outcomes for themselves and their teams."

In your opinion, what are some of the most common issues or roadblocks that leadership teams face? How do you typically assist them in overcoming these challenges?

"Currently, what I observe is people feeling overwhelmed with work. There seems to be a sense of confusion surrounding remote work – are we working from home or not? Regardless of the answer, work seems to have invaded every aspect of their lives, blurring the boundaries between work and personal time.

In the past, there were clear delineations, such as having dinner as a time to disconnect, but now those boundaries have disappeared.

A more universal challenge I encounter is the whole 'what got you here won't get you there'. However, as people progress to higher positions, they realize that driving results alone is no longer enough. As VPs, they must learn to empower others, delegate effectively, and hold their team members accountable. This transition often proves challenging for individuals, and working with a coach can be instrumental in overcoming these hurdles.

Another recurring issue I come across is conflict management. Some individuals struggle with being too confrontational, while others have difficulty addressing conflicts directly. Finding a balance in handling conflicts is crucial for personal and professional growth."

What techniques do you use to assist leadership teams in developing a clear vision and setting strategic goals?

The technique I use for everything is asking questions.

I like to think that I would have been a really good CIA operative because my whole job is to find self-deception.

My role as a coach is to help you see beyond the surface and understand the true dynamics of a situation. Often, what appears to be happening is not the whole picture, and my mission is to assist you in gaining clarity and identifying the reality.

The cornerstone of my coaching approach is good communication. I find that many challenges can be traced back to people and communication. By fostering clear and effective communication, we can make things significantly easier for everyone involved and drive positive outcomes.

Where can you learn more about Teri?

Joel Garfunkle

About Joel

Joel is a highly acclaimed executive coach, recognized as one of the best in the industry. He holds an esteemed position as one of the top 50 executive coaches in America, as acknowledged by Global Gurus, which ranked him at #14 on its list of top 30 global coaching experts. Joel's mastery in coaching is evident through his achievement as a Master Certified Coach, a distinction attained by only 2% of the 30,000 coaches worldwide and the highest accreditation in the profession of coaching from the International Coach Federation.

With an impressive client list that includes prominent companies such as Google, Amazon, Starbucks, Procter & Gamble, Bank of America, Microsoft, Oracle, Deloitte, and The Ritz-Carlton, Joel has accumulated 20 years of invaluable executive coaching experience. His expertise extends beyond coaching, as he has authored 11 books and penned over 300+ articles on leadership. Joel's influence and insights have also garnered attention from national media outlets like ABC News, NPR, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Newsweek, BusinessWeek, Forbes, and USA Today.

What was that ‘spark’ that drew you to executive coaching?

"I took a class on leadership in college. I was drawn to understanding how business leaders think and how leadership operates. I was curious why one person is more successful than another and how does one person achieve the level of success that they have gained. At the same time, I had a realization that I like working 1:1 with people and thought the only way to do it was to become a psychologist. However, I wanted to work with people who are healthy and wanted to excel in the workplace. I told my story to another person who said, “What you are describing is called coaching.” I immediately signed up for a 3-year coaching program. What I noticed is that the minute I began coaching people, I felt like a fish that found his ocean. It felt natural, at ease, and intuitive – I knew what to say, what not to say, how to inspire. Everything just clicked. Felt passion and alignment. 

I did a few corporate jobs and then decided to leave the corporate world and started my executive coaching business. Twenty-five years later, I’ve worked with over 1000 leaders inside companies and have thrived as an executive coach."

How would you describe your coaching style?

My coaching style is a combination of solution-focused coaching, cognitive-behavioral coaching and directive coaching. 

With the first style (solution-focused), I help my clients find practical solutions to the challenges they are facing. Assisting them in identifying specific actions and strategies to achieve those goals. 

For the second style (cognitive-behavioral), I help the client identify any challenge limiting beliefs, develop new perspectives, and adopt more effective behaviors. 

For the third style (directive), I often provide explicit guidance, advice, and suggestions to the client. Based on my subject-matter expertise and deep knowledge of having worked with over 1000 leaders, I offer solutions based on this knowledge and experience. 

I also have a no-nonsense style in which I get to the heart of what is going on very quickly. I then develop specific, measurable strategies that get you thinking about your challenges in an entirely different and more empowering way.

Describe your ideal client/industry/types of people you work best with?

"People in the STEM fields. In these professions, leaders often advance due to engineering, IT, or research skills without receiving leadership development through executive coaching. Introverts are often drawn to these fields. While introverts are fully capable of cultivating improved leadership, their organization may not guide them in developing the leadership abilities that will allow them to command a team and lead with conviction. Executive coaching will help them to show up with the confidence and charisma needed.

Marginalized employees, including women. If you’re a budding leader of a marginalized racial group, ethnicity, gender, or ability, you will benefit from cultivating your leadership. Women, people of color, and other employees from marginalized groups are too often overlooked and underappreciated, which causes companies to miss out on their full range of talent. If you’re in one of these demographics, growing your leadership development will allow you to leap over the barriers you may encounter in your career.

Top-level leaders and senior executives. The higher you rise in an organization, the more executive presence becomes a necessity. At the senior executive level, you are already expected to have executive presence. If you haven’t fully developed your executive presence or are underutilizing it, you’ll have less credibility and garner less respect. Senior executives spend the majority of their time in meetings where they constantly need to speak up to influence others. Their employees, peers, C-level executives, and clients all expect them to present themselves and their ideas with conviction, authority, confidence, and command. When top leaders lack executive presence, they immediately lose credibility and persuasiveness. This is one area of focus of the type of clients I work with. 

Future company leaders. I coach the fast-rising, high-potential employees who are the up-and-coming stars of the organization. The higher you go in an organization, the more you need the confidence, authority, and presence that you notice in great leaders. 

Managers who want to help employees grow into leaders. As a leader, you need your employees to develop and grow their leadership to elevate their potential and impact. Think about all the people you oversee in your role as a manager."

What advice do you have for leaders when they are looking for an executive coach?

"Executive coaching is a personalized development process designed to enhance the leadership skills and effectiveness of individuals in executive roles. Here are some key aspects that new leaders and clients can expect when engaging in executive coaching:

Self-awareness and Reflection: Executive coaching encourages new leaders and clients to develop a deep understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and leadership style. Through self-assessment tools, feedback sessions, and reflective exercises, individuals gain insights into their behaviors and how they impact their leadership effectiveness.

Goal Setting and Action Planning: Coaches work with new leaders and clients to identify their goals and aspirations, both personally and professionally. They help in creating actionable plans to achieve these goals, addressing specific areas of improvement and providing guidance on how to overcome obstacles.

Enhanced Leadership Skills: Executive coaching focuses on developing specific leadership skills and competencies. Coaches provide targeted training, resources, and exercises to enhance skills such as communication, executive presence, decision-making, emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, and strategic thinking.

Accountability and Feedback: Coaches act as an objective sounding board and provide ongoing support. They hold new leaders and clients accountable for their actions and commitments, providing constructive feedback to help them improve their performance and make necessary adjustments.

Leadership Presence and Influence: Executive coaching helps new leaders and clients develop their executive presence and influence. Coaches provide guidance on how to effectively communicate, inspire others, build relationships, and create a positive impact within their organization.

It's important to note that executive coaching is a collaborative process, tailored to the unique needs of each individual. The specific outcomes and benefits will vary depending on the goals and circumstances of the leader or client involved."

What advice do you have for leaders when they are looking for an executive coach?

"When leaders are looking for an executive coach, here are some key pieces of advice to consider:

Clearly define your goals: Before seeking an executive coach, take the time to clearly define your goals and what you hope to achieve through coaching. This will help you find a coach who aligns with your specific needs and objectives. It’s important to hire a coach who has the background and experience in the area of focus for the coaching engagement. 

Seek relevant experience and expertise: Look for an executive coach who has experience working with leaders in your industry or similar roles. A coach with relevant expertise will better understand the challenges you face and can provide tailored guidance and support. 

Assess credentials and qualifications: Look for coaches who have appropriate credentials, certifications, and qualifications in coaching or related fields. These credentials can provide assurance of their knowledge, skills, and adherence to ethical coaching standards.

Consider chemistry and rapport: Building a strong rapport and trust with your coach is crucial for a successful coaching relationship. During initial conversations or consultations, pay attention to how comfortable and connected you feel with the coach. Trust your instincts and choose someone you believe you can build a strong working relationship with.

Seek testimonials and references: Ask the coach for testimonials or references from previous clients. Hearing about the experiences and results of others who have worked with the coach can give you valuable insights into their coaching style, effectiveness, and client satisfaction.

Assess coaching approach and methodology: Inquire about the coach's approach and methodology. Understand how they structure coaching sessions, provide feedback, and support your growth and development. Ensure that their coaching style aligns with your preferences and learning style.

Consider the cost and investment: Executive coaching is an investment in your professional growth. Discuss the coach's fees, payment structure, and any additional costs involved. Consider the value you expect to gain from coaching and evaluate the cost in relation to the potential benefits."

What metrics or indicators do you use to measure the effectiveness of your coaching?

Here are the various metrics and indicators I commonly have used to evaluate the effectiveness of my executive coaching engagements.

Goal achievement: Evaluate the extent to which the coachee has achieved the goals they set at the beginning of the coaching engagement. Compare the initial goals with the outcomes and assess the progress made.

Behavior change: Look for observable changes in the coachee's behavior, particularly in areas targeted for improvement. Assess whether they have developed new skills, adopted different approaches, or demonstrated desired behavioral changes.

Feedback and self-assessment: Gather feedback from the coachee through self-assessment tools, surveys, or interviews. Ask them to reflect on their growth, changes in mindset or behavior, and the impact of coaching on their leadership abilities.

Stakeholder feedback: Obtain feedback from relevant stakeholders, such as colleagues, direct reports, and superiors. Conduct 360-degree feedback assessments to assess changes in perception and effectiveness as perceived by others.

Performance evaluations: Consider performance evaluations and performance metrics before and after the coaching engagement. Assess whether there have been improvements in areas such as leadership effectiveness, productivity, team dynamics, or other relevant performance indicators.

Qualitative feedback: Collect qualitative feedback through interviews, reflections, or written testimonials. Encourage coachees to share their experiences, insights gained, and any positive changes they have noticed as a result of coaching.

Development of leadership competencies: Evaluate the development of specific leadership competencies targeted during the coaching engagement. This can be done through self-assessment, stakeholder feedback, or behavioral assessments.

Employee engagement and satisfaction: Assess the impact of coaching on employee engagement and satisfaction levels within the coachee's team or organization. Look for improvements in morale, team dynamics, and employee perceptions of leadership.

Business impact: Consider the impact of coaching on key business metrics, such as financial performance, client satisfaction, retention rates, or other relevant indicators. Evaluate whether coaching has contributed to tangible organizational outcomes.

In your opinion, what are some of the most common issues or roadblocks that leadership teams face? How do you typically assist them in overcoming these challenges?

Leadership teams often face various issues and roadblocks that can hinder their effectiveness. Here are some common challenges they may encounter:

Communication breakdown: Ineffective communication within the leadership team can lead to misunderstandings, lack of alignment, and reduced collaboration. I can assist by providing guidance on improving communication strategies, facilitating effective team meetings, and promoting open and transparent communication practices.

Lack of trust: Trust is vital for a high-performing leadership team. When trust is lacking, it can impede decision-making, create conflicts, and hinder collaboration. I can provide insights and suggestions on fostering trust within the team, building relationships, and promoting a culture of openness and mutual respect.

Conflict resolution: Disagreements and conflicts can arise within leadership teams due to differences in opinions, priorities, or working styles. I can offer strategies for effective conflict resolution, including active listening techniques, mediation approaches, and promoting a problem-solving mindset.

Alignment and goal setting: Leadership teams need to be aligned on strategic goals and objectives to work cohesively towards a common vision. I can provide frameworks and tools for goal setting, facilitate discussions on aligning individual and team objectives, and assist in developing action plans to achieve shared goals.

Lack of accountability: When individual team members are not held accountable for their commitments and responsibilities, it can hinder team performance. I can offer guidance on establishing a culture of accountability, setting clear expectations, and implementing systems to track progress and hold team members responsible.

Decision-making challenges: Leadership teams may struggle with decision-making processes, leading to delays, indecisiveness, or suboptimal choices. I can offer decision-making frameworks, facilitate discussions to gather diverse perspectives, and provide insights on effective decision-making strategies.

Managing change: Leadership teams often face the challenge of leading their organizations through change initiatives. I can provide guidance on change management approaches, communication strategies during change, and fostering a positive and resilient mindset within the team.

What techniques do you use to assist leadership teams in developing a clear vision and setting strategic goals?

To assist leadership teams in developing a clear vision and setting strategic goals, I employ various techniques and frameworks – here are some:

Visioning exercises: I can guide leadership teams through visioning exercises that help them articulate their desired future state. This may involve facilitating discussions, brainstorming sessions, or using visualization techniques to encourage team members to imagine and describe their ideal future.

SWOT analysis: Conducting a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis can help the team assess the current state of the organization and identify factors that can influence goal setting. This analysis provides a comprehensive understanding of internal capabilities and external factors that need to be considered in the strategic planning process.

Mission statement development: I can assist leadership teams in crafting a clear and concise mission statement that articulates the purpose, values, and overarching goals of the organization. This statement serves as a guiding principle for strategic decision-making and goal alignment.

SMART goal setting: I can encourage the use of the SMART framework (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to set strategic goals. This approach ensures that goals are specific, quantifiable, realistic, aligned with the organization's vision, and have clear timelines for completion.

Balanced Scorecard: The Balanced Scorecard framework can help leadership teams align strategic goals across multiple dimensions, such as financial performance, customer satisfaction, internal processes, and learning and growth. I can guide teams in developing a balanced set of performance measures that reflect these areas and enable effective goal tracking and evaluation.

Cascading goals: I can assist leadership teams in cascading strategic goals down to lower levels of the organization. This involves breaking down high-level goals into departmental or individual goals that align with the overall strategic direction. This ensures alignment and clarity throughout the organization.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): I can help leadership teams identify relevant KPIs to monitor progress towards strategic goals. These indicators provide measurable data that can be tracked over time, enabling the team to assess their performance and make informed adjustments as needed.

Scenario planning: I can facilitate scenario planning exercises to help leadership teams anticipate potential future challenges and develop contingency plans. This technique involves considering different scenarios, assessing their impact on the organization, and developing strategies to mitigate risks and exploit opportunities.

Throughout these techniques, I provide guidance, ask thought-provoking questions, and offer insights based on best practices and strategic management principles. However, it's important to note that each leadership team is unique, and the approach may vary based on the team's specific context, goals, and organizational culture.

Where can you learn more about Joul?

Debora McLauglin

About Debora

Debora McLaughlin is the CEO of The Renegade Leader, which is dedicated to transforming organizational gridlock into team alignment for remarkable results. Through executive coaching, business consulting, and leadership development, she cultivates essential skills like adaptability, innovation, and communication to effectively lead in the ever-changing landscape of work.

With over 20 years of coaching expertise and corporate experience in Fortune 100 companies, Debora's disruptive approach builds confidence, capacity, and capabilities, accelerating clients' success. She is a bestselling author and thought leader whose work has been featured in renowned publications. The Renegade Leader Coaching and Consulting Group partners with CEOs and executives to achieve meaningful outcomes, whether it's fostering engagement, driving innovation, or enhancing employee wellbeing.

What was that ‘spark’ that drew you to executive coaching?

"I think there are three different stages in my career.

Firstly, I worked in corporate as a National Account Manager for Sprint. In this role, I was involved in marketing to Fortune 100 companies, which allowed me to interact with various leaders in New York City and Boston. I observed the challenges they faced while trying to implement technological changes within their organizations. There was some resistance from people, difficulty obtaining buy-in, and navigating through office politics.

The second stage of my career involved pursuing my passion in psychology. I have two master's degrees in this field. When the construction of the large bridge connecting New Hampshire to Boston began, commuting became a nightmare. This prompted me to open a psychology practice, where I primarily worked with leaders facing team-related issues, high anxiety, and other challenges affecting their lives. During this phase, I discovered the field of coaching, which allowed me to continue working with corporate leaders and teams without labeling individuals. I believed I could make a more significant impact by helping these leaders, which, in turn, would positively influence the teams and organizational culture through coaching.

So, that's how I transitioned through these three different careers, supporting senior leaders along the way."

How would you describe your leadership style?

"I believe there are various styles of leadership. If I were to categorize myself, I would consider myself a transformational leader. This style focuses on facilitating change within organizations and having a forward-looking approach. I work with organizations that prioritize their future and strive to remain competitive. They are constantly evaluating how they treat their people and how they can adapt to the changing landscape.

In my role, I encourage the leaders and teams I work with to think beyond their current plans. I ask them, 'What else is possible?' I find joy in exploring ways to amplify their results even further."

Describe your ideal client/industry/types of people you work best with?

“While it might be tempting to focus on just one industry or a specific type of leader to potentially quadruple your business, I actually prefer working with diverse personalities of leaders across different industries.

For me, an ideal leader to work with is someone who is passionate about creativity and innovation or someone who has a lot at stake. This could be achieving a competitive edge, launching a new product, aligning their team, or other high-stakes situations. From a client perspective, I have worked with a wide range of leaders, ranging from the largest central bank in the United States to a telecom company in Montana focusing on accelerated growth, and even a hospitality organization. The industry is not the determining factor when it comes to people skills; these skills are transferable across any industry."

What advice do you have for leaders when they are looking for an executive coach?

"That's a fantastic question, and I believe coaching is becoming more accessible to people. When considering hiring a coach, there are a few things to take into account. Firstly, you should decide whether you want to hire someone directly online at a low cost or go through a coaching organization to find a coach. I also contract with some coaching organizations myself.

However, there are certain criteria that I recommend for choosing a coach. Firstly, I highly recommend utilizing someone certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF). This certification goes beyond just a simple certificate; it's more like a license that requires coaches to maintain their education credits and engage in supervision regularly. Adhering to the ICF's code of ethics is mandatory, and coaches must prove their adherence every two years, as I have done. The different levels of ICF certification offer varying degrees of expertise.

Secondly, and perhaps this is my personal bias, but I remember reading an article in the Harvard Business Review titled 'The Wild West of Coaching' a few years ago. The article emphasized that, especially for senior executives, hiring a coach with expertise in psychology or human dynamics is crucial. Having this background enables coaches to identify underlying root causes more effectively and helps executives move forward with speed and precision in their decision-making.

Lastly, personality plays a significant role. Coaching is an intimate relationship, much like choosing a hairdresser who works well with you. To benefit from the coaching process, you must be able to trust your coach completely. It's essential to have that level of trust if you want to share things you wouldn't typically discuss even with your closest friends on the golf course, making the coach your true sounding board."

What metrics or indicators do you use to measure the effectiveness of your coaching?

"I've noticed that more and more organizations, especially those dealing with budget cuts, are eager to understand how they can measure the success of coaching engagements. To address this, I have been trained in a coaching with the Return on Investment (ROI) methodology, which allows me to demonstrate the results of our coaching initiatives clearly.

I believe that the investments clients make in our organization truly matter, and it's essential for us to show tangible results at the end of each coaching engagement. It's not merely about clients feeling a bit more confident; we strive to identify specific metrics and outcomes. For example, a coaching plan may include targets like increased delegation to gain back more hours in their workweek. But what they achieve with those hours is equally crucial, as well as the financial or overall impact of their actions.

One case that stands out is when I worked with a team aiming to improve customer satisfaction scores. At the end of the engagement, the measurements showed a remarkable 162% ROI in comparison to the cost of the coaching. The NPS scores increased, and team members demonstrated growth in every measured competency. This example illustrates the importance of measuring the growth and impact of coaching investments, as coaching is indeed an investment.

However, I have encountered instances where organizations say, 'We hire Deloitte and others, and nobody else does this ROI thing.' Despite that, I remain committed to showing the value of our coaching services, as this is a fundamental part of what we do."

In your opinion, what are some of the most common issues or roadblocks that leadership teams face? How do you typically assist them in overcoming these challenges?

"I mean, it's easy to mention the usual things like communication, conflict management, and influence, but what I've observed gaining more prominence is the importance of building strategic partnerships. Businesses nowadays are increasingly growing through partnerships. This includes not only external collaborations but also fostering great partnerships within their own matrix and cross-functional teams to accomplish tasks efficiently. One of the biggest challenges my clients face is their desire to move fast, but they struggle to get other departments or teams to align or prioritize their work.

Strategic partners can also be your customers, and involving them in focus groups and product development is becoming crucial, as they often turn into buyers of those products. I am actually working on a book with a chapter dedicated to strategic partnerships. Earlier this morning, I was focused on writing that particular chapter, so it's interesting that you asked this question.

In this chapter, I emphasize the importance of listening to what's essential to the other individuals or departments involved in the partnership. Starting conversations by addressing their specific concerns is a vital approach. For instance, when talking to a customer service manager, focus on how your initiative will impact people. On the other hand, if you're discussing matters with the CFO, emphasize the financial and business results your project will achieve.

A common mistake, especially in change leadership, is adopting a standard methodology and assuming it will work seamlessly across all strategic partners. In reality, individual differences and perspectives come into play, and we must adapt our approach to suit the people in front of us."

What techniques do you use to assist leadership teams in developing a clear vision and setting strategic goals?

"One thing that's essential to remember, which I shared with a client earlier this morning, is the importance of having a protocol or checklist in place to ensure tasks get done effectively. Some of her newer employees were hesitant about using the checklist, feeling like it was unnecessary since they were already doing the work. However, I reminded her that even experienced pilots use a checklist before takeoff. It ensures success and safety.

I introduced a methodology to her, inspired by the concept of the 'head, heart, and hands of leadership.' The 'head' refers to the goals and vision we aim to achieve, the 'heart' considers how it impacts people, and the 'hands' focus on the operational aspects and roadmap to success. People tend to be 'head, heart, or hands' oriented, with a preferred communication style in one of these areas. Often, we tend to gravitate towards using the 'head' and 'hands' aspects in our communications, as she was doing with the checklist, but neglecting the 'heart' element.

To improve communication, I suggest that leaders first listen to the individual they are speaking with to identify whether they are more 'head,' 'heart,' or 'hands' oriented. Tailoring the conversation to address their specific perspective can be very effective. Additionally, it's essential to ensure that all three elements are incorporated into the communication. For instance, when addressing a group of people, discussing the goal (head) while acknowledging their current workload (heart) and then moving on to discuss how to achieve the task (hands) can make the conversation more well-rounded and effective."

Where can you learn more about Debora?

Mark Crowley

About Mark

With 25 years of experience in the dog-eat-dog financial services industry, Mark has achieved record-breaking sales and profitability by focusing on the authentic driver of human engagement – emotional connection. He demonstrates genuine care, value, and trust for individuals, inspiring them to achieve remarkable and sustainable performance. This approach transcends business units, generations, and education levels, consistently yielding exceptional results.

When addressing global audiences, he emphasizes the proven case that positively affecting employees' hearts is the most successful way to motivate them in the workplace. Emerging science shows that feelings and emotions play a significant role in people's choices, decisions, engagement, commitment, and loyalty at work. This groundbreaking research, backed by his extensive leadership experience, forms the basis of his "Lead From The Heart" philosophy. His book has also been taught in 11 American universities.

As a Future of Work speaker and organizational culture consultant, he has connected with thousands, demonstrating the need for caring and humane leadership, especially in the changing landscape of virtual work. He offers unique strategies, science, and heart to transform managers' leadership skills and drive exceptional performance within organizations.

What was that ‘spark’ that drew you to executive coaching?

"I want to be completely transparent – executive coaching is not my primary purpose. My mission is to revolutionize leadership practices, challenging traditional beliefs that have proven to be ineffective and, in some cases, counterproductive to motivating people sustainably. With a combination of personal life experiences, scientific research, and a bestselling book, I'm determined to drive this transformation.

My executive coaching revolves around working with CEOs and senior leaders, primarily focusing on CEOs initially. I collaborate with them to facilitate the implementation of a profound cultural change within their organizations. This effort is rooted in my desire to reshape workplace leadership fundamentally, shifting away from outdated practices that have been prevalent for the past century.

I'm fundamentally trying to change workplace leadership as we know it and have experienced it for the last 100 years"

Describe your ideal client/industry/types of people you work best with?

“Curious ones, you know; it honestly doesn’t really matter what industry they’re in. What does matter is openness to change and possessing a growth mindset.

If someone is resistant to new ideas, thinks they’re already performing perfectly well or bristles at being challenged, coaching isn’t the solution for them. To get the benefits of having a coach, you have to sincerely want the help."

What metrics or indicators do you use to measure the effectiveness of your coaching?

"The primary validation I seek as an executive coach is to observe noticeable changes in a person's behaviors compared to when we first began our work together. That, to me, is the true measure of progress.

Additionally, I find a lot of satisfaction when those I coach express newfound knowledge or a fresh perspective they wouldn't have otherwise discovered. It's incredibly rewarding when they share how I challenged them to think differently or approach situations from a new angle.

While some coaches rely heavily on metrics, I don't believe it's the most critical aspect. Of course, I could use metrics if needed, but for me, the ultimate validation is whether the individuals I coach can see the positive changes in themselves and recognize the impact our coaching has had on their growth.

I firmly believe in tapping into both our hearts and minds, yet in business, we often solely prioritize the analytical aspect of intelligence. This approach can lead to blind spots in understanding how our actions impact others. As an executive coach, I help my clients gain deeper insights into themselves, fostering empathy and better interpersonal relationships.

Ultimately, the transformation and self-awareness my clients experience are what truly matter, and that's what I focus on as I guide them on their leadership journey."

In your opinion, what are some of the most common issues or roadblocks that leadership teams face? How do you typically assist them in overcoming these challenges?

"One of the most significant challenges I encounter is that many leaders lack a deep understanding of themselves, which impairs their ability to effectively manage others.

You've probably come across individuals who seem utterly disconnected from their true selves, lacking any sense of grounding or self-awareness. Without this essential foundation, personal and leadership growth becomes difficult to achieve.

Another common issue I've observed is that even accomplished individuals tend to struggle with self-doubt. It's surprising how many people, regardless of their achievements, don't fully believe in themselves and their capabilities.

As an executive coach, I recognize the importance of addressing these underlying challenges. Helping leaders gain self-awareness and building their confidence are crucial steps in unlocking their true potential as effective and influential leaders. By cultivating self-awareness and confidence, leaders can create a more authentic and empowering leadership style that inspires both themselves and those around them."

What advice do you have for leaders when they are looking for an executive coach?

"The belief that "everybody needs a coach" is one I hold close to my heart. Personally, I've had the privilege of having the same coach for the past 14 years, meeting with them diligently every week. It's an invaluable relationship that provides me with unwavering support and guidance.

What makes this coaching dynamic so powerful is that my coach is well-versed in my journey. With an in-depth understanding of my history and experiences, there's no need for me to revisit my backstory when I'm facing challenges or uncertainties.

Having a long-term, consistent coaching relationship fosters trust, making it easier for me to share my vulnerabilities, fears, and aspirations. It enables my coach to provide targeted insights and personalized strategies that align with my unique circumstances.

Such continuity has been a game-changer in my personal and professional growth, helping me navigate through wobbles and hurdles with greater confidence and clarity. I firmly believe that the right coach can make an immeasurable difference in anyone's life, providing the support and encouragement needed to unlock their full potential."

Where can you learn more about Mark?

Ron Carucci

About Ron

Ron is a co-founder and managing partner at Navalent, specializing in guiding CEOs and executives through transformative change for their organizations and industries. With a 30-year track record, he has helped leaders address strategy, organization, and leadership challenges across a wide range of sectors, from start-ups to Fortune 10 companies, non-profits, and heads-of-state. His expertise spans areas such as accelerating growth through well-defined strategies and creating organizations capable of effective execution.

Having worked in over 25 countries on 4 continents, Ron is an accomplished author with 9 books under his belt, including the Amazon bestseller "Rising to Power" and the award-winning "To Be Honest, Lead with the Power of Truth, Justice & Purpose." His thought leadership extends to the Harvard Business Review and Forbes, and he is a sought-after TEDx speaker, with one of his talks on power garnering over 1.3 million views. Ron's work has been featured in various prestigious publications like Fortune, CEO Magazine, Inc., BusinessInsider, MSNBC, Business Week, Inc., Fast Company, Smart Business, and other influential platforms.

What was that ‘spark’ that drew you to executive coaching?

"The chance to see deep lasting impact – to help executives widen their positive influence; by influencing one executive I can have secondary impact on thousands of people."

Describe your ideal client/industry/types of people you work best with?

"Top leaders who are curious about their own impact; willing to hear hard feedback in the service of getting better; willing to see a systems perspective on their leadership and organization and how they are interrelated."

What advice do you have for leaders when they are looking for an executive coach?

"See the coach as a wise guide; a trusted advisor who can help you navigate very complicated, high -risk situations. It’s the intersection of a therapist, a friend, an advisor, and someone who becomes a “student of you” to help you become the best version of your leadership."

What metrics or indicators do you use to measure the effectiveness of your coaching?

"The same performance metrics my client uses to gauge his/her performance."

In your opinion, what are some of the most common issues or roadblocks that leadership teams face? How do you typically assist them in overcoming these challenges?

"Their inability to engage in real dialogue – their meetings are usually a series of simultaneous monologues; how to listen deeply and embrace disagreement in the service of better outcomes. Too many executive teams confuse sharing the same boss with sharing the same purpose."

What techniques do you use to assist leadership teams in developing a clear vision and setting strategic goals?

"Deep feedback and rigorous chartering – chalking the field of what they will govern and how they will govern together.  Building in norms that sustain trusting relationships, clear decision rights, and narrowed focus."

Where can you learn more about Ron?


It was an absolute pleasure getting to interview these 8 executive coaches, and we hope you found all of their advice both valuable and helpful.

Their insights teach us the value of personal connections, effective communication, and embracing change. Executive coaching is not just about giving advice; it's about guiding leaders to discover their own solutions and reach their full potential.

Incorporating these valuable insights, leaders can authentically and resiliently shape a brighter future in the corporate world. Executive coaching empowers C-Suite leaders to reach new heights and foster thriving organizations. So, let's apply these lessons and lead with confidence, knowing that executive coaching can make a significant difference in our leadership journeys.